Drop The New Years Resolutions (And Do These 5 Things Instead)
That’s you. 2019 is your year. And getting there starts with small mindset shifts and happy little habits. That’s why we’ve compiled 5 small ways to make your New Year
happier, healthier, and ridiculously rad.
1. Give back
Not sure where to start? VolunteerMatch pairs you with opportunities in your community that match your personality, interests, and skills—it’s like a dating site for volunteering—no creepy DMs included.
2. Leap outside your comfort zone.
We learn and grow most when we take leaps outside our comfort zones. So whatever that looks like for you—rock climbing, scuba diving, wearing pizza leggings, quitting an awful job—we’re cheering you on. Go get em’ girlfriend.

3. Find your fit.
Pro tip: Don’t go it alone. Grab a friend and vow to be each other’s accountability partners. Send each other encouraging texts throughout the day and check in on each other’s progress each week. Better yet—take a class together or get a sweat sesh in at the same time—friends that sweat together stay together.
4. Tamp out toxicity.

With your list in hand, make a plan to tamp them all out, let them all go.
Slowly separate yourself from absolutely anything that draws your energy out and exhausts you of your light. Fill their empty spaces with positive people, energizing places, and meaningful moments. You’d be surprised that goals you can tackle when you release the deadweight from your ankles.
5. Connect.
Send your grandma a handwritten card out of the blue just because. Call your dad and let him tell you all about his golf game and his new favorite Netflix show (dads watch the weirdest things). Plan a date night with the girls and have them all over for wine, movies, and endless gabbing. When you make it a habit to show the ones you care most about just how important they are to you, life gets a little warmer and a whole lot happier.
With these small mindset shifts and healthy habits, you’re sure to make 2019 the
best year yet. Happiness is all about tiny little moments, thoughts, and actions that
come together to create this beautiful thing called life—now go out there and live it!